Analysis Readiness of First Level Health Facilities in Compliance with Minimum Standards of Pregnant Women Health Services in Jambi City


  • Mutia Lisandra Universitas Jambi
  • Dwi Noerjoedianto Universitas Jambi
  • Rumita Ena Sari Universitas Jambi



Background : The minimum service standard (SPM) in the health sector is one type of minimum service standard (SPM) which is a reference for Regency/City Regional Governments in providing a health service that every citizen is entitled to receive at a minimum. Minimum service standard (SPM) for health consists of SPM for Provisional Areas and SPM for District/City Regional health. The Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in the District/City Regional Health Sector have 12 indicators, namely health services for pregnant women, health services for mothers giving birth, health services for newborns, health services for toddlers, health services at the age of basic education, health services at productive age, services health services for the elderly, health services for people with hypertension, health services for people with diabetes mellitus, health services for severe mental disorders, health services for people with TB, and health services for people at risk of being infected with HIV. The purpose of this study was to see the Readiness of First Level Health Facilities in Efforts to Fulfill the Minimum Service Standards for Pregnant Women in Jambi City. Method: This type of research is qualitative. The research was conducted starting in April and continued in June. There were 33 informants in this study, including 1 key informant and 32 supporting informants. Research informants were determined using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques were carried out by in-depth interviews. Data analysis was used with thematic analysis and data validity using source and data triangulation. Result: Lack of coordination between related officers, in this case cross-program collaboration with MCH officers in assisting MCH activities and infrastructure which includes examination rooms and medical devices according to standards based on regulations. However, the waiting room is uncomfortable and feels cramped and the provision of chairs for pregnant women is still slightly increased because the MCH room is next to the immunization room and the number of patients who come is quite a lot, so officers need to quickly examine patients so that there is no accumulation in the waiting room. Conclusion: Increased cooperation or coordination between related officers or cooperation between cross-programs and waiting room conditions that are not conducive because the availability of seats is still small and considering that the MCH room is next to the immunization room which causes the patient's condition to pile up in the waiting room.




How to Cite

Lisandra, M., Dwi Noerjoedianto, & Rumita Ena Sari. (2023). Analysis Readiness of First Level Health Facilities in Compliance with Minimum Standards of Pregnant Women Health Services in Jambi City. Independent International Journal of Nursing and Health Science (INJOINE), 1(1), 5–14.